Volker Pietzsch
The voice talent. The radio host. The radio producer.
You can book Volker Pietzsch right now for your desired voice recording. Easy, fast, reliable, and professional. In his own studio and at a fair price.
Voice talent Volker Pietzsch has the expertise and experience of more than 100 000 voice productions. These include film commentaries, animated film soundtracks, and commercials. Listen for yourself:
His voice is lively, clear, and accent free. It ranges from Young to adult. It is variable in tone. If required, very fast talking is possible. Animated and comical voices as well as serious film scripts are another speciality:
Volker Pietzsch can be heard regularly as a host on Antenne Mainz including on the nightly magazine "Der Tag in Rheinhessen" (Mondays to Fridays from 7–8 p.m.)
Radio producer Volker Pietzsch has been involved with shows and stations that are still considered legendary. Michael Bonewitz, who invited him to speak on Antenne Mainz in 2013, learned a great deal about this radio man, who is directly linked to the history of radio in Germany.
Here are some of the (radio) stations through his career:
"Michael Bonewitz Talk": guest is Volker Pietzsch
- 1987 – 1991 PRO Radio 4 GmbH Magazine programme – Presenting, editing, production (in the Mainz Regional Studio) Aircheck Einbindung Audio Demo home02.mp3
- 1989 hr3 „Apropop“, „Bingo“, „Ach schon wach“, „Mittagsdiscotheke“ – Presenter
- WDR 1 „Hits für Kids“ – Presenter and Music Programming
- 1992 MDR Life „Wochenmarkt“, „Nachtfalter“ – Presenter Aircheck hr3/WDR1/MDR life home03.mp3
- 1989 – 1995 Radio Regenbogen Presenter/newsroom Radio Regenbogen. First in the Rhine-Neckar region (102.8), then expanded to the "Badenschiene" with Freiburg / Basel (101.1), and later to Baden-Baden/Elsass (100.4). Aircheck Radio Regenbogen homep4.mp3
- 2000 bis 2003 echtRadio.de Establishment and operation of a pioneer of professional internet radio – Director of the company Aircheck echtradio (Jingles) home05.mp3
- 2007 – 2011 97eins Establishment and operation of his own local TV station in Rheinhessen and own license together with Michael Hassinger – Presenter, director of the company Aircheck 97eins home06.mp3
- seit 2011 Antenne Mainz Co-founder and cohort of the new radio for Mainz – Presenter (from the start), co-founding managing director as programme manager
If you are interested in working with Volker Pietzsch for your voice production, you can contact him here. He looks forward to meeting you!